From the town of Lazenby in Wales, England, two young brothers decided to travel to the American Colonies during the Great Migration. One brother arrived in 1630 and the other in 1631. The Lazenby brothers settled for a time in Boston, Massachusetts before heading south to Georgia. Having come from a farming background in Wales, it was only natural that they would continue their farming heritage as their way of life. Once married, they were blessed with children. In time, some of their descendants found their way to Lee County Alabama. One Sunday morning, Albert Lazenby attended a service at Mt. Olive Primative Baptist Church where he first laid eyes on Miss Vitula Whatley, whom he married. They built their home and established Lazenby Farm around 1870, just eight miles from the church where they met and the family still attends today. Albert passed his knowledge of agriculture onto his son Roy and grandson Harry who both became career farmers.
Currently, the farm is still in full production agriculture and is owned and operated by fourth generation farmer, Mitch Lazenby. The farm produces 1200 acres of cotton, corn, wheat, soybeans, peanuts, pumpkins, sesame and registered black angus cattle. The farm also hosts events throughout the year such as the "Cotton Pickin' Pumpkin Patch", Dove Shoots and Turkey Rodeos, local and state events, and weddings.
Lazenby Farm History
Our Facilities
The Cotton Barn The Pavilion
The Cotton Barn is the main event space The Pavilion is a covered outdoor space that can
and has 4800 square feet of open floor easily accommodate an additional 100 people.
space. It is anchored on one end by a
large working fireplace and is also air
conditioned. It is also handicapped